The article performs the analysis of the current state regulatory-legal framework relating to the use of narcotic analgesics in health care institutions in emergencies peace and wartime.
There are developed recommendations for adapting the requirements for storage and transportation of narcotic analgesics in emergency situations by making amendments to the Law of Ukraine "About narcotic drugs, psy-chotropic substances and precursors" and to the Order of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine from 15.05.2009 № 216 "About approval of requirements to objects and spaces intended for the implementation of turnover activities in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors".
The article reflects the features of pharmacological support of tuberculosis patients in Smolensk oblast. The participants of the process are described: the subjects of management, funding, pharmacological support. The differences between funding systems of 2008 and 2012 were characterized.
A growing potential of Russian pharmaceutical market and constant medicinal drugs range widening requires a necessity to search for more effective ways of pharmaceutical product promotion. The purpose of this study is to estimate current marketing spiral of MD promotion from producer to consumer, and revelation of obstacles encountered by means of comparing method.
The conducted study about current marketing spiral of MD promotion from producer to the consumer gives evidence about obstacles of ethic and legal, professional and legal, ethics and professional, ethics and marketing, professional and marketing, and professional work-related character. We have pointed the characteristics and substantiated the schemes of "ideal", legally formed, and functioning marketing spiral of MD promotion. Understanding of the factors considered and revelation of obstacles for successful MD promotion from producer to the consumer is important, since it is the ground for practical recommendations on this field optimization.
The monitoring of drug supply availability to the population in the frameworks of state guarantees and timely revelation of problems appeared is one of the most important issues of Russian healthcare. Revelation of prevailing problems connected with consumers while implementing the program of state guarantees concerning drug support on a regional level (Omsk oblast) and modeling the solutions of some of these problems was the purpose of our study. We have used methods of logic, statistic, and clinical and economical analysis in our work. We have revealed the principal problems of beneficial drug supply consumers which are reduction of beneficial drug request, substitution of drug support with monetary compensation. We have made conclusions about the necessity of more active informing of consumers about the consequences of drug supply refusal and the widening of category lists of persons entitled for benefits on a regional level.
The article shows the results of an atomic structure of a herb of Thymus dimorphus. Mi-crodiagnostic signs were explored and determined during the study. Stem has a roundish-tetrahedral shape and a non-fascicular formation. Stomata are of the diacytic type. An availability and texture of the simple and glandular hairs are determined. So all along the Thymus dimorphus stem we have found bi- or threecellular thick-walled hairs with warty cuticle, more often they are cranked, the hairs of 5-9 cells with slightly warty surface, with grand content and glandular hairs on the bi- or threecellular stem with an elongated head and widened basal cell.
There are simple unicellular hairs with slightly pointed apex and warty cuticle along the epidermis of a leaf, as well as bi- or threecellular cranked thick-walled hairs with fine-pointed apex with warty surface, the simple hairs of 4-8 cells with slightly widened cell walls and slightly warty cuticle.
During the research of the flower's parts (calyx and corolla) a kind of pubescence by the different types of hairs and a shape of epidermal cells were determined. There are essential oil glands in the epidermis of the stem, leaf, calyx and corolla.
The derived research results will allow identification of a specific belonging of thymes basing on diagnostic sings
We have isolated polysaccharides and identified monosaccharides after hydrolysis during the work. Gravimetric analysis identifies the prevalence of pectin substances (PS) and hemicelluloses A (HC A).
During this study we have determined some physical and chemical characteristics of polysaccharides which are: molecular weight, Huggins constant, swelling index. The results showed that the average molecular weight of the objects under study lies from 5246 to 10071. All WSPS had swelling degree raised with the increase of molar mass while the Huggins constant decreased. The minimum value of Huggins constant were noted in berries of Grossularia reclinata which gives evidence of a good interaction of object with water which is coincide with swelling degree.
The article reviews the experimental research in vitro on a revelation of effective refractory period prolongation properties in aminobenzothiazoles derivatives for isolated atrium of rats. We have provided the comparative characteristics of these compounds in relation with amiodarone.
We have studied phenibut, gammalone, and new GABA derivatives action on the development of experimental cerebral edema. We have detected gammoxyn - the most prospective substance for further study as cere-broprotector. We have established that gammoxyn has a signified protective action in cerebral edema.
ISSN 2413-2241 (Online)